Thursday 22 December 2011

a 21 studio - vietnam


I found this work of a vietnamese architect /architects by accident. It is the project of their own office a21 studio - called the ROCK OFFICE - literally build with rocks.  It is interesting how the spaces are smartly articulated – one form creating a few parts with each of the individual courtyards as the central point. I am actually more attracted to their simple, basic and not very expensive study model which powerful conveys the idea of the design!! .. very charming!!
However, other projects done by this office aren't as interesting. I guess it is the fate of most architects when they have a client - meaning, eventually architects dont have control over their own 'creation'.

If an architecture student can push through his or her idea in school – does not mean he or she will be able to do so in the real practice. (it’s not easy BUT IT IS POSSIBLE)
If an architecture student can't push through his or her idea in school – what do you think will be the fate of this graduate architect in the real practice?


  1. Hmm... It reminds me of Bawa's work (if i am not mistaken) from the talk... the same method of courtyards...

  2. which work in particular? you mean, similar because both have courtyards or similar way of forming the courtyard or similar courtyard space quality?

  3. Is the Oumund & Ena de Silva house. I am not sure whether it has the same purpose of central point. But for Bawa's was introducing courtyard at that time.

  4. It is so true by what rekaciptahuis saying in the post on last 3 sentences. i believe this is the dilemma facing by some(most?) of the fresh graduate architecture student, it is kinda sad that architect are more focus on 'market trend' rather that other architecture aspect.
    anyway, concur with the space is good articulated.learned a lesson from curvy plan + courtyard(opening)in a odd shape site.
